<button type="button" aria-pressed="false">Toggle something</button>
{%- from '@button' import button -%}

{# Reusable macro for other templates to import: #}
{%- macro toggleButton(label, pressed, disabled, iconSymbolId, class) -%}
  {{ button(label, 'button', disabled, iconSymbolId, class, extraAttrs = { 'aria-pressed': pressed }) | safe }}
{%- endmacro -%}

{# Example rendering: #}
{{- toggleButton(text, pressed, disabled, symbolId, class) | safe -}}
  "text": "Toggle something",
  "url": "#",
  "listItems": [
      "htmlContent": "Some list item content"
      "htmlContent": "More list item content"
      "htmlContent": "Even more list item content"
      "htmlContent": "I can't believe there's still more list item content"
      "htmlContent": "Seriously?! That's enough now."
  "footer": {
    "copy": "&copy; 2019 <strong>Buildit</strong>. All rights reserved.",
    "linksA": [
        "label": "Stories",
        "url": "#"
        "label": "People",
        "url": "#"
        "label": "Jobs",
        "url": "#"
    "linksB": [
        "label": "Terms",
        "url": "#"
        "label": "Accessibility",
        "url": "#"
        "label": "Privacy & Cookie Policy",
        "url": "https://wiprodigital.com/privacy-policy"
  "hero": {
    "pullout": "Big, attention-grabbing headline",
    "paragraph": "Witty subtitle",
    "cta": {
      "text": "Clickbaity label",
      "url": "#"
  "img": {
    "random": {
      "src": "/images/img-random-1.png",
      "alt": "A placeholder image with an arbitrary aspect ratio."
    "square": {
      "src": "/images/img-1x1.png",
      "alt": "A placeholder image with a perfect square (1:1) aspect ratio."
    "tv": {
      "src": "/images/img-4x3.png",
      "alt": "A placeholder image with a 4:3 aspect ratio, like an old TV."
    "widescreen": {
      "src": "/images/img-16x9.png",
      "alt": "A placeholder image with a 16:9 aspect ratio, like a widescreen TV."
    "logo": {
      "src": "/images/img-random-2.png",
      "alt": "A test image for a logo with an arbitrary aspect ratio."
  "title": "Page title",
  "header": {
    "url": "./homepage",
    "links": [
        "text": "Jobs",
        "url": "./jobs"
        "text": "Locations",
        "url": "./locations"
    "externalLinks": [
        "text": "Fancy external website",
        "url": "./error-page"
  "sections": [
      "title": "Example section",
      "class": "grav-o-full-bleed__content",
      "content": [
          "paragraph": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam."
  "section": {
    "title": "This is the title for a section",
    "class": "grav-o-full-bleed__content",
    "content": [
        "paragraph": "Paragraph lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua."
        "blockquote": "Blockquote lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit"
        "twoColumnsList": [
            "htmlContent": "Vestibulum auctor dapibus neque."
            "htmlContent": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit."
            "htmlContent": "Aliquam tincidunt mauris eu risus."
            "htmlContent": "Labore et dolore magna aliqua."
            "htmlContent": "Phasellus tempus, orci non mattis sagittis."
        "inlineRow": [
            "text": "First link",
            "url": "#"
            "text": "Second link",
            "url": "#"
            "text": "Third link",
            "url": "#"
        "imgCards": [
            "title": "Some fascinating, attention-grabbing headling",
            "content": "Ideally, with a click-baity tagline that entices to you to visit!",
            "image": {
              "src": "/images/img-random-1.png",
              "alt": "Brief description of this fascinating image"
            "title": "Labore et dolore magna aliqua",
            "content": "Vestibulum pharetra arcu enim, nec porttitor quam ullamcorper et. Phasellus tempus, orci non mattis sagittis, lectus erat fringilla odio, nec auctor erat augue quis eros.",
            "image": {
              "src": "/images/img-random-1.png",
              "alt": "Phasellus tempus, orci non mattis"
            "title": "Nanotechnology immersion along the information highway",
            "content": "Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews.",
            "image": {
              "src": "/images/img-random-1.png",
              "alt": "Bring to the table win-win survival strategies"
        "imgLinks": [
            "url": "#",
            "image": {
              "src": "/images/img-random-1.png",
              "alt": "Image linke #1"
            "url": "#",
            "image": {
              "src": "/images/img-random-2.png",
              "alt": "Image linke #2"
            "url": "#",
            "image": {
              "src": "/images/img-random-3.png",
              "alt": "Image linke #3"
  "pressed": false


Toggle buttons can be used to let the user switch something between 2 states. Typically, they are used to open or close something, or to switch something on or off.

Checkboxes and switch components also allow you to present the user with a binary choice. However, those components are more appropriate choices for forms where the user is primarily inputting some data, or settings menus where they are enabling or disabling options. Toggle buttons on the other hand are usually a better choice outside of a form, for example:

  • “Hamburger” navigation menus. The actual “hamburger” button that opens and closes the navigation menu is an instance of a toggle button
  • Media player controls, such as a play / pause button.
  • In application toolbars, for buttons that toggle certain modes on or off.

Implementation notes

Toggle buttons must use the aria-pressed attribute to denote pressed (true) or unpressed (false) states. Assistive technology relies on that attribute to recognise the buttons as a toggle button and convey its state to the user in a meaningful way.

Currently, browsers will not automatically toggle that attribute when the button is clicked, so some JavaScript is required to make it work. Essentially, all it needs to do is react to the button element’s click event (which is triggered not only by mouse clicks but also screen taps and keyboard input) and toggle the value of the aria-pressed attribute between true and false.

gravity-ui-web‘s simple JS library (gravity.js) implements this behaviour and may be used as a reference.

See also

  • Toggle Buttons on Heydon Pickering’s “Inclusive Components” blog.